Home/Case studies and news/The term of the temporary registration for pesticides and agrochemicals is extended

The term of the temporary registration for pesticides and agrochemicals is extended

According to the amendments to the law of the Russian Federation № 109-ФЗ "The safe use of pesticides and agrochemicals" the total period of validity of the state registration of pesticides and agrochemicals is ten years, but there are a number of exceptions. If the conclusion of the sanitary-epidemiological or the conclusion of the state environmental review of the draft technical documentation for the pesticide or agrochemical contains recommendations for additional studies to assess the risk of the negative impact on human health and the environment, then the state registration can be recommended for a period of only three years. Prior to this, the temporary period of registration could be just 2 years. The period of validity of the certificate of registration of mineral fertilizers is not limited.

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